Current Webcomics / Online Graphic Novels
Titanium Knights Episode 3

Titanium Knights Episode III - The Solar Accelerator

Three super soldiers race against time to disable an alien superweapon that will destroy Earth's sun.

Titanium Knights Episode 3 - Latest Update

Titanium Knights Character Profiles

Happy New Year 2024

Wishing everyone a happy, healthy, and prosperous new year for 2024.

Happy New Year 2023

Wishing everyone a Happy New Year for 2023!

Happy New Year 2022

Happy New Year to all!

Happy New Year 2021

Wow, 2020 is finally in the past. Hopefully this will be the start of a great new year that will bring prosperity to everyone. Personally, I'm looking forward to a vacation and meeting up with friends and family. Wishing everyone a Happy New Year for 2021.

Happy New Year 2019

Wishing everyone a Happy New Year in 2019.

Happy New Year 2018!

Wow, we finally made it to 2018. Things have been very interesting, to say the least. I've been working full time for quite a while now, (Thank God) and haven't had much time to work on my personal projects - this website. I will still work on Titanium Knights Episode 3 and 3500AD when I have time. Sadly, I can't promise any release dates - only that I will keep working on it. That said, thanks for reading. I wish you a Happy New Year for 2018!

Titanium Knights Episode III New Page Released

Titanium Knights Episode III Page 5 has been published. You can read it here. With this page, I throw off the shackles of perfectionism! LOL. Ahhh, finally got this page out. About time, considering I started working on it almost five years ago. The comic has been on unofficial hiatus due to many issues, but will update more frequently now. But don't get your hopes up yet. Anyway, enjoy.

3500AD Chapter 8 Released

3500AD Chapter 8 has been published. You can read it here. Whew, I finally got this chapter out! One thing I love about publishing to a website is this: I can always go back to fix mistakes/typos/grammar/anything. Great way to fight the paralysis of perfectionism. Just finish it, get it out there, because trying to achieve perfection is actually counterproductive. Enjoy! Have questions or comments? Reach me via the contact page or on Facebook.

3500AD Chapter 7 Released

It's out. 3500AD Chapter 7 has been released. You can read it here.

New Nonfiction Story Released About How I Lost Everything... a con artist. It's the account of a traumatic event in my life that happened during my college years. But enough chit chat. If you've the stomach for a story like this, read it here, in the Stories Area.

3500AD Chapter 6 Released

At long last, 3500AD Chapter 6 has been released! You can read it here. There is also a short preview of Chapter 7, which can be found here. Enjoy!

Merry Christmas 2012

Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas for 2012 and an awesome New Year!

3500AD Chapter 5 Released

Well, well, well, this certainly is a first for me. If not a first, then it hasn't happened in quite a while. An actual timely update!

3500AD Chapter 5 has been liberated from the deep, dark dungeons of my consciousness. It can be found here, in the Stories Section.

Let's hope that this new trend of timely updates continues! Only time will tell. Anyway, enjoy!

3500AD Chapter 4 Released


3500AD Chapter 4 has finally been released from captivity. Captivity in my head that is. It can be found here, in the Stories Section.

I've also been working on Chapter 5, and I'm about halfway or so through it. It should be ready shortly.

I've actually been working full time for a year now, although not in my preferred capacity. Hopefully in a few more years (sooner, I hope) I'll have saved up enough money to start a multimedia company. I have all these projects I want to work on, but apparently I won't be able to complete them by myself. I'll have to hire some staff to get these things done!

Wish me luck, everyone!

Titanium Knights Episode III Updated

Titanium Knights Episode III has been updated. (It's about time, I know.) It's been a long summer, but I enjoyed it. I got lots of extra work. Now that fall is here, and things at work are slowing down a bit, I have had more time to work on Titanium Knights Episode 3. I finally got the "Comic Engine" interface set up so the comic is easier to read. I'll probably still have to do some more tweaking depending on the feedback I receive.

I decided to put Titanium Knights Episode 3 directly on the Comics page for easier access to readers. It can still be found in its original location here as well, for those who actually enjoy drilling down through menus.

As a bonus, all the comic pages have been redone. I added a title page, and improved the intro story. I'm much happier with the improvements. I'm actually working on the next two pages now, and hopefully they'll be done soon.

Thanks for reading. Everyone have a great Halloween!

3500AD Chapter 3 Published!

Hello all!

In today's update, I am proud to announce that Chapter 3 of 3500AD has been published in the Stories Section. Yes, it has been a long time in coming, but it's finally here. I hope you enjoy it!

I am currently working on future chapters, but not necessarily in sequential order. So I can't currently promise when the next chapter will be released. Also, please check out chapters 1 and 2 of 3500AD. The story will make much more sense if you do! The links are below:

3500AD Chapter 1

3500AD Chapter 2

3500AD Chapter 3

Please enjoy. Thank you for visiting my web site. Take care!

Titanium Knights Character Profiles Added

Hello all!

Just a quick update to inform everyone that Titanium Knights character profiles have been added. This is just the beginning, of course. More profiles will be added as new characters appear in the story. The profiles can be found here:

Titanium Knights Character Profiles

Take care everyone, and enjoy!


Happy Holidays for 2008!

Hello all! I want to thank you for visiting, and to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Happy Holidays to one and all!


Art Gallery Expanded

Hello all! The Art Gallery section has been expanded with an additional page - Art Gallery 4. It includes more artwork from my high school and college days.

I am also pleased to announce that now leads to!

Thanks for reading!


Don't worry, I'm still here!

I haven't gone anywhere! Lots of things are still in the works. What they say about multitasking is very true - you'd be done significantly faster if you did each project individually than if you juggled multiple projects. Multitasking creates the illusion of getting more work done faster. Oh well. I have many projects that I want to publish simultaneously, so multitasking fits my goals anyhow! I also get bored working on one thing for too long anyway, so I like to break things up a bit...

Oh, I almost forgot! I'm posting this update to let interested parties know that 3500AD Part 2 is out! You'll find it in the stories section. Or, just click here. I hope you all enjoy it!



Site Update!

Hello all! We finally have a site update. The title header has been modified to be filled with artwork, and different artwork has been added to the mix. I also changed the blog design so that it integrates better with the site, yet still works well by itself. The site has been tested to work in Firefox, Internet Explorer 6, and Internet Explorer 7.

As for the comics? You want new pages right? Yes, they have been a long time in coming, and there is a good reason for that. I can't get into the reasons why right now, aside from the fact that I am obsessed with producing quality work. Let's just say that when I put up some new comic pages, you will get much more than you anticipated. Take care!


Technical Difficulties...

Hello everyone. We've had some technical issues with the site for the last couple of days, but as you can see, we are back! Our content is being restored as I type this. Any news of our demise has been greatly exaggerated! For the moment, I leave you with this saying:

"Yes, Steel is stronger and harder than Titanium. A hardened Steel blade can cut through a Titanium blade with ease. However... after all is said and done, after the battle's won, even the mighty Stainless Steel has been fatigued, corrupted, and corroded - rusted away to mere nothingness. Yet humble Titanium remains, standing tall, shining and bright, free of corrosion, uncorruptible. That is Titanium's true power - the ability to endure to the end, and to resist the evil of corruption. Such is truly a strength that lasts."

Titanium Knights Episode III Updated

Actually, many things have been updated. I finally redid the third page to properly fit the story. You can read more about that on my blog page here. I am working on the next page so don't fret! Good things come to those who wait. I want to make sure this comic is the best it can be, and since this site currently has few visitors, I find it to be the perfect opportunity to take my time and do it right! I am sure that as I complete more pages, more visitors will come. Build it, and they will come...

Titanium Knights Episode III

Titanium Knights Episode 3 Comic is up!

The Titanium Knights Episode III comic is live. Only two pages so far, more to come. You can find it in the Comics section under (what else?) Titanium Knights. Or just click the following link...

Titanium Knights Episode III Comic

What happened to Episodes I and II? I decided to work on them later since they are not as action packed as Episode III.

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